Alginate Jelly Mask

Alginate Jelly Mask
Choose this additional mask during your treatment! The Jelly PHA Mask is a unique Jelly mask with a powerful effect. It contains PHA, or polyhydroxy acid, in the form of gluconolactone. This is known for its exfoliating, brightening and purifying properties, making it very suitable for dull, blemished skin types. Moreover, PHA is mild for the skin and suitable for (very) sensitive skin types. The Jelly mask can be safely applied over closed eyes and mouth.
After an intensive skin treatment, we offer the option in our practice to add this mask as an additional treatment. This mask is intended to draw the heat out of the skin and provide extra care with effective ingredients that the skin can absorb well after a treatment. Adding this mask to your treatment gives your skin an extra boost of care and recovery, while the powerful ingredients penetrate deeply.
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